What's New

Alexei Painter, director of the Division of Legislative Finance, provides an analysis of the Governor’s FY2024 operating and capital budgets. Painter responds to questions from the study group and references possible amendments to the governor’s proposed budget.

OMB director Neil Steininger presented Governor Dunleavy’s FY2024 budget proposal. Steininger provides comparisons to recent budgets, briefly touches on the carbon credits revenue proposal, and provides a ten-year budget projection.

Slide Deck

Senator Natasha von Imhof addressed Commonwealth North on January 11, 2023 to discuss the FY2024 budget for the State of Alaska. She discussed the state’s revenue outlook, historical spending, the impact of the dividend, and lost economic opportunities due to not addressing the state’s fiscal policy in a long-term manner.

Session Recording:

Slide Deck:

Infrastructure is often the key to Alaska’s greatest opportunities. Dave Gamez and Tor Anderzen with the Alaska Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers will provide a briefing on Alaska’s Infrastructure Report Card. Commissioner John MacKinnon with the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities will provide an outlook for efforts to maintain, improve, and expand our state’s infrastructure. Register here.

In 2022, Alaskan voters will vote in the state’s first open top-four primaries for governor, state legislative seats, and congressional offices. We’ve invited Eric McGhee, a senior fellow with the Public Policy Institute of California, to join us for a forum on open primaries. McGhee’s research focuses on elections, legislative behavior, political reform, and surveys and polling. Register here.


The House Majority Caucus recently commissioned a survey of Alaskans’ awareness and attitudes about proposals to resolve Alaska’s fiscal dilemma. Matt Larkin with Dittman Research will walk us through the results of that survey and take your questions. Register here.

Senator Natasha von Imhof has proposed the establishment of the Alaska Resource Ownership Revenue Account (ARORA), seeded with $6.7 billion. Using a percent of market value approach, earnings from the account would be dedicated to paying a dividend moving forward. Join us to learn more. Register here.

Hear from State Representative Adam Wool on House Bill 37 – a proposal to introduce a flat income tax and a specified draw 80/20 split of the Permanent Fund annual POMV draw. Register here.

Congressman Young will provide a briefing on the latest developments in Washington, D.C. with a focus on infrastructure and transportation. Following the briefing, join us for a reception and fellowship – weather permitting on the patio.

Register here.

Friday, June 4, 2021
Online via Zoom

Harnessing the power potential of the Makushin volcano has long been a dream of the City of Unalaska. As the nation’s top fishing port, Unalaska is a community rich in opportunity. However, high power costs have often proven to be a hurdle to community development, business development and expansion, and growing the population base. Recent developments between the City of Unalaska, the Ounlashka Corporation, and Chena Power, LLC are advancing the dream of geothermal power in Unalaska. This session will review the prospects for and progress on the Makushin Geothermal Power Project.