Commonwealth North is Alaska's premier non-partisan public policy forum.
Join us to learn more about critical policy issues facing Alaska.
Commonwealth North is a unique organization with a mission to educate Alaskans on significant public policy issues and identification of effective solutions.
Governors Bill Egan and Walter Hickel founded the organization in 1979 to bring together Alaskans who cared about Alaska then and into its future. Having once been political opponents, they united to create a non-partisan environment that continues to bring together some of the most inspiring leaders and thinkers of the day; to study and explore the unique nature of Alaska; to wrestle with the toughest policy issues; and prepare Alaskans to step up to public service.
To this end, Commonwealth North has been host to speakers from around the nation and world, and published dozens of studies addressing a wide variety of public policy issues critical to Alaska.
Commonwealth North’s primary approach to providing services is: 1) study groups that analyze and make recommendations on key Alaska public policy issues; 2) publication of reports on study group findings to its membership, state policy makers, and the public; and 3) convening educational forums with speakers on important, relevant policy issues.
CWN fills a unique, non-partisan niche in Alaskans’ access to policy makers, frank dialogue, and continual civic engagement. We bring clarity to issues free from political bias, and advocate for thoughtful, deliberative development of public policy. Bringing together the public and policy makers on important issues results in better public policy and better informed Alaskans. Accordingly, all Alaskans indirectly benefit from our work.
As a membership based non-profit, we directly engage more than 2,500 Alaskans every year through our programming. Our goal is to guide Alaskans to become an effective part of the policy making process that will enhance the quality of life for this and future generations.