Commonwealth North is Alaska's premier non-partisan public policy forum.
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Image | Title | Summary | Categories | Link |
![]() | Changes in the Arctic (JUN 20) | Background and Issues for Congress. | Arctic Policy | |
![]() | 2020/14th Annual Assets Review FY19 Final (MAR 19) | Presented 04/29/20. | Annual Review | |
![]() | Arctic Strategic Outlook (APR 19) | The United States Coast Guard’s Vision for the Arctic Region. | Arctic Policy | |
![]() | 2019/13th Annual Assets Review FY18 (FEB 19) | Presented 02/20/19. | Annual Review | |
![]() | 2018/12th Annual Assets Review FY17 (AUG 18) | Presented 08/01/18. | Annual Review | |
![]() | Arctic Imperatives (MAR 17) | Reinforcing U.S. Strategy on America’s Fourth Coast. | Arctic Policy | |
![]() | The States Operating Budget: Critical Crossroads, Choices, and Opportunities Update (JAN 17) | This report is an update of CWN’s 2015 report. It contains specific recommendations for reducing state spending and is the result of the work of CWN’s Fiscal Policy Study Group. | Fiscal Policy | |
![]() | The States Operating Budget: Critical Crossroads, Choices, and Opportunities (FEB 15) | With Commonwealth North’s long commitment to a sound state fiscal policy and the state faced with a daunting gap between revenue and spending, CWN’s Fiscal Policy Study Group was charged with an examination of the State’s operating budget to identify recommendations to help reduce state spending. | Fiscal Policy | |
![]() | Long Term Economic Sustainability for the State of Alaska (FEB 13) | In this Fiscal Policy Report, Commonwealth North summarizes the base line historical perspective, offers new perspective and provides three key findings to help create a foundation for establishment of a sustainable fiscal policy for the State of Alaska. | Fiscal Policy | |
![]() | Energy for a Sustainable Alaska -The Rural Conundrum (FEB 12) | This 2012 report clarifies the current state of production, fuel transportation, and consumption of energy in rural Alaska and offers long-term, viable, cost-effective solutions to those challenges. | Energy Policy | |
![]() | Alaska Food Policy Council Strategic Plan (JAN 01) | January 12, 2012. | Food Security | |
![]() | The Obligation of Ownership is Leadership: A Roadmap to Alaska’s Transportation and Energy Infrastructure Development (SEP 11) | Transportation and energy infrastructure development in Alaska is at a crossroads. The vitality of the economy and the well-being of Alaskans are at stake. Decisive action must be taken now to develop integrated systems. | Energy Policy | |
![]() | Alaska’s Oil Investment Tax Structure, Establishing A Competitive Alaska (MAR 11) | The Board of Directors and members engaged in a seventeen week targeted study that evaluated the primary public policy concerns associated with Alaska’s oil tax structure. It was determined that the current oil production tax adversely affects investment in oil production on the North Slope and progressivity should be modified. | Energy Policy | |
![]() | Energy for a Sustainable Alaska, the Railbelt Predicament (MAR 10) | Commonwealth North commissioned this study to evaluate solutions and facilitate dialogue relevant to energy policy throughout Alaska and develop guidelines and recommendations for a secure energy future. Alaska is rich in natural energy sources and yet many Alaskans struggle to meet rising energy costs. | Energy Policy | |
![]() | Why the Arctic Matters (MAY 09) | This report provides a comprehensive overview of the issues related to the changing Arctic for state and national policy-makers as well as the public. It is set up as an overview that frames the issues and outlines their intersection with US national and Alaskan interests. | Arctic Policy | |
![]() | At A Crossroad: The Permanent Fund, Alaskans and Alaska’s Future (NOV 07) | The report, based on a nine-month study, contains suggestions on management and governance of the Fund. It reviews and critiques past efforts to achieve a statewide consensus for use of non-dividend Fund income. | Fiscal Policy | |
![]() | A Study of the Proposed Contract Between the State of Alaska and Major North Slope Producers (AUG 06) | The Governor, his staff and consultants have worked over two years to negotiate a contract with the major gas producers to bring the North Slope gas to market. Agreements included in the proposed contract raise several major public policy issues for the State of Alaska. | Energy Policy | |
![]() | Alaska Primary Health Care: Opportunities & Challenges (JUN 05) | This report is the result of a 9-month long study of the primary health care system of Alaska. It details current issues surrounding the cost, access and quality of primary health care in Alaska and makes many suggestions for improvement. It was chaired by Board members Marvin Swink and Dr. Tom Nighswander. | Health Care | |
![]() | Inuit Food Security Summary and Recommendations (JAN 05) | How to assess the Arctic from an Inuit perspective. | Food Security | |
Commonwealth North: The Next 25 Years (JAN 05) | This report is a blueprint for the future of Commonwealth North. The purpose of the report is to ensure that the organization remains an active, vital contributor to research and education on crucial Alaska public policy issues. | Historic Reports | ||
Putting Alaska’s Assets to Work for Alaskans (JAN 04) | This study followed up on a 1998 study on how well Alaska was managing its land and resource wealth. It addressed four questions: (a) Can Alaska’s return on assets be enhanced?; (b) To what extent can more effective management of Alaska’s assets contribute to a sustainable revenue stream and fiscal plan?; (c) Can managing Alaska’s business assets as a coordinated portfolio further enhance returns? and (d) How is this to be accomplished? | Historic Reports | ||
Alaska’s Jobs for Alaska’s People (JUN 03) | At the request of Governor Murkowski, through Commissioner of Labor and Workforce Development Greg O’Claray, Commonwealth North produced a workforce development study, co-chaired by Dr. Alice Galvin and Jeff Staser. | Historic Reports | ||
Shall There Be a Constitutional Convention? (SEP 02) | Objectively analyzes reasons for and against convening a Constitutional Convention. Presents facts about the ballot issue. Presents results of statewide surveys of government officials and organizations as to any constitutional changes they would recommend. This issue was on the November 5, 2002, ballot as currently required every ten years by the Alaska Constitution. | Historic Reports | ||
Bringing Alaska’s North Slope Gas to Market: Framing the Issues (SEP 01) | Richard Barnes and Lee Gorsuch co-chaired a study group formed to identify issues associated with Alaska’s interests in North Slope gas commercialization. The study group focused on significant public policy issues within the power of the State of Alaska to address. The Group avoided making specific モhow toヤ recommendations. | Historic Reports | ||
Subsistence Report (AUG 01) | The Subsistence Committee grew out of the Urban Rural Unity Study. The committee concluded that the issues are very complex and not subject to a simple solution and it did not formulate any single solution. Instead, it offered several suggestions. | Historic Reports | ||
The University of Alaska: A Key to Alaska’s Future, A Time for ALL to Invest (JAN 01) | Identifies, analyzes and makes statewide policy-level recommendations about the University of Alaska in the form of general principles–not specific campus or departmental management directives. Key UA role is improvement of quality of life for Alaskans by offering educational opportunities for self-fulfillment. | Historic Reports | ||
Urban Rural Unity Study (OCT 00) | Addresses the question: How can Alaska effectively address the increasing tension between its urban and rural populations? | Historic Reports | ||
Permanent Fund Earnings – Phase II: A Cornerstone for Fiscal Certainty (MAY 99) | Recommends uses of Permanent Fund earnings in the context of total state fiscal needs. | Historic Reports | ||
Alaska’s Asset Portfolio: Managing for Maximum Return (DEC 98) | Alaska’s assets were examined to identify the management principles which, if consistently applied, would improve their financial return and enhance Alaska’s economic stability. | Historic Reports | ||
Agenda 2000: Alaska’s Future in a New World (JUN 97) | An analysis of the condition of Alaska’s economy, quality of life, educational systems and government at a pivotal point in its history. | Historic Reports | ||
Balancing Responsibilities: The Role of State Government (JUN 97) | A study group reports makes recommendations regarding what services state government should provide, and what services it should not, given the growth of the state’s private sector and declining state revenue from Prudhoe Bay. | Historic Reports | ||
Economic Stability in the 21st Century: Realities and Aspirations (JUN 97) | This analysis examines Anchorage’s role in the context of the Alaska economy as a whole. It identifies economic engines of Anchorage with potential global competitive edge potential and makes recommendations for the State of Alaska and Municipality of Anchorage. | Historic Reports | ||
Quality of Life (JUN 97) | The greatest strength of our state, and our community, lies within the citizens of Alaska and Anchorage. Any action that improves our quality of life as a community will improve our competitive edge in the global community. | Historic Reports | ||
Partners in Alaska’s Future: Team Alaska Phase II (SEP 95) | Define partnering techniques and show how such alliances have worked in the past. Propose partnering arrangements of cooperative decision making as a policy of structural process. | Historic Reports | ||
Breaking the Fall: Budget Recommendations for Alaska (OCT 94) | Development of a long-term financial plan that will compensate for declining oil revenues. This plan would be developed by a citizen-based commission. | Historic Reports | ||
![]() | Health Care: Finding an Alaskan Prescription (AUG 94) | Discussion of the adequacy of the current health care system. Focus on the unique issues in Alaska and discuss Alaskan’s needs on the individual and state levels. | Health Care | |
Commonwealth North Budget Conference: Closing the Gap (OCT 93) | Proceedings and conclusions of Commonwealth North’s 1999 budget conference. Issues discussed included: fiscal gap, spending regulation, reserves, taxation, Permanent Fund and economic development. | Historic Reports | ||
Shall There Be a Constitutional Convention? (AUG 92) | Originally studied in 1982, the issue of the necessity of a constitutional convention is revisited. The report concludes that there is little need to change the 1982 findings and that the subject merits serious study. | Historic Reports | ||
Fire Island: A North Pacific Maritime Center (MAR 91) | A study of the viability of a major maritime center at Fire Island. The study concluded that a maritime center will attract new facilities and services which will stimulate industrial growth. | Historic Reports | ||
Going Up in Flames: The Promises and Pledges of Alaska Statehood Under Attack (MAY 90) | Examination of the legal underpinnings of statehood and a discussion of the growth of federal powers in general. Areas of federal interference with Alaska’s goals are identified. | Historic Reports | ||
The Alaska Development Board (OCT 88) | Statement of the need for in-state investment in revenue-generating projects to diversify the economy. | Historic Reports | ||
Fire Island: A Maritime Center for the North Pacific (JUN 88) | With expansion of the Port of Anchorage limited by its geography and year-round traffic restricted by mid-winter ice, Fire Island is an ideal location for a maritime center in the North Pacific. | Historic Reports | ||
Redesigning the Front Door to Anchorage through the Relocation of the Anchorage Railroad Yard (APR 88) | Proposal to move the central railway yard from Anchorage to Eagle River. This relocation will allow for a redesign of the port area and will add to the economic viability of the Eagle River area. | Historic Reports | ||
The Alaska Railroad and its Future (APR 88) | Proposed development of the Alaska Railroad to provide a transportation system that will aid the economic stability of Alaska. | Historic Reports | ||
Using the Permanent Fund as a Positive Counter-cyclical Force in the Alaskan Economy (FEB 88) | Meant to be considered in conjunction with the Alaska Development Board proposal, this study states that the earnings of the Fund should be used in two ways. | Historic Reports | ||
Alaska’s Budget Crisis: Facing the Facts – Closing the Gap (DEC 86) | A special task force on the state budget was charged by Commonwealth North directors to review and make recommendations as to how to address the State of Alaska’s immediate budget gap. | Historic Reports | ||
Compass North – Five Challenges for Alaska (FEB 85) | Discussion of Alaska as an “owner state” in which the state owns a substantial amount of land and resources. | Historic Reports | ||
The New Alaska Railroad (JAN 84) | The issue of the State’s purchase of the Alaska Railroad is the question this study answers. The study recommends that the State purchase the railroad and operate it like private business. | Historic Reports | ||
Shall There Be a Constitutional Convention? (OCT 82) | Commonwealth North’s original “Shall There Be a Constitutional Convention?” report | Historic Reports | ||
The Transfer of the Alaska Railroad (JAN 82) | Initial study of the feasibility of purchasing the railroad from the federal government and railroad line expansion. | Historic Reports | ||
Moving North Slope Natural Gas to Market: A Positive Alternative (NOV 81) | A study of the proposed natural gas pipeline. Both the cross-Canada and all-American plans are discussed. This study re-examines the issues raised in the 11/81 natural gas study. | Historic Reports | ||
Investing in Alaska’s Future: The Capital Investment Fund (JUN 81) | A second fund, like the Permanent Fund, should be created to provide stability to Alaska’s economy. This fund would provide investment in an infrastructure designed to broaden Alaska’s economic base. | Historic Reports | ||
The Promise and Pitfalls of Alaska’s State Loan Programs (May 81) | An examination of the State’s loan agencies. State loan programs need to be regulated and, where necessary, consolidated to insure that the State does not overwhelm private lending agencies. | Historic Reports | ||
Alaska’s Golden Opportunity: Resource Revenues and State Spending (DEC 80) | An analysis of the best ways to invest Alaska’s resource revenues for the long-term benefit of the state. | Historic Reports | ||
North Slope Natural Gas: Transportation Alternatives and the Promise of a World Scale Petrochemical Industry (MAR 80) | Intended as an interim statement on the issue, this report examines the difficulties in getting Alaska’s natural gas to market. | Historic Reports | ||
Solutions to the National Energy Crisis: Why Not Alaska? (NOV 79) | An answer to dwindling domestic energy production and foreign oil dependency. Development of Alaska’s ample natural resources would provide a solution to the energy gap of the 1980’s. | Historic Reports |