Commonwealth North is Alaska's premier non-partisan public policy forum.
Join us to learn more about critical policy issues facing Alaska.
Commonwealth North, Alaska’s premier public policy forum, addresses state and national issues. Among its more than 350 members are Alaska’s public opinion leaders and concerned citizens representing business, labor, education, public service, and the Alaska Native community.
Through meetings, committees and study groups, members have the opportunity to meet and discuss issues with a wide cross-section of other Alaskans vitally interested in public policy and the future of our state. The composition of the membership has given Commonwealth North a strong, credible voice in helping lead public opinion on issues facing Alaska.
Commonwealth North is an individual, rather than business membership organization. We invite any individuals, including more than one from a business, to join us.
In addition to our traditional individual memberships listed below, we also offer business memberships which can be extended to multiple people within your organization. Please click here if your business is interested in establishing a membership with Commonwealth North.