Health Care Reform

The Health Care Reform Study Group was formed with a charge to examine the primary drivers of health care costs in Alaska, examine how the continuum of care model can improve health outcomes and reduce costs, explore approaches that align federal and state dollars while preserving the strength of Indian Health Services in Alaska, and look at how Section 1115 waivers have transformed outcomes and costs in other states as an example for what may be possible in Alaska.

The group schedules its session on Thursdays from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., generally meeting online. Co-chairs are Preston Simmons, Ralph Townsend, and Cathy Giessel. The Health Care Reform Steering Committee includes April Kyle, Tammy Green, and Steve Patin.

05/26/2022Alaska Health TIEJacqueline Summers
Emily Byl
Sameer Peesapati
Session Recording
Slide Decks
05/19/2022The Managed Care ModelLibby Hinton
Jay Ludlam
Session Recording

Slide Deck - Hinton

Slide Deck - Ludlam
04/28/2022The Crisis Now ModelSteve Williams
Mike Sanders and Brenda McFarlane
Renee Rafferty and Melissa Merrick
Session Recording

Slide Decks
04/14/20022Behavioral Health 1115 WaiverTheresa Johnson
Tina Voelker-Ross
Bunti Reed
Session Recording

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04/05/2022High Utilizer Mat-Su Program (HUMS)Ray Michaelson
Dr. Thomas Quimby
Aaron Wright
Session Recording

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03/24/2022Nuka System of CareApril Kyle
Dr. Doug Eby
Session Recording

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01/19/2022All-Payer Claims DatabaseSandra Heffern
Lori Wing-Heier
Session Recording

Slide Deck - Heffern
12/09/2021Federal PerspectivesDarryl MeansSession Recording
12/02/2021Revisiting Senate Bill 74Heather CarpenterSession Recording

Slide Deck

State of Alaska Medicaid Strategy (PCG Report)

FY2021 State of Alaska Annual Medicaid Reform Report
10/28/2021Perspectives from the Alaska Department of Health and Social ServicesCommissioner Adam Crum
Deputy Commissioner Al Wall
Session Recording
06/16/2021Health Care Reform: Containing Costs, Improving OutcomesScott Leitz, NORC
Commissioner Adam Crum, Alaska DHSS
Session Recording
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This report is the result of a 9-month long study of the primary health care system of Alaska. It details current issues surrounding the cost, access and quality of primary health care in Alaska and makes many suggestions for improvement. It was chaired by Board members Marvin Swink and Dr. Tom Nighswander.

3 MB

Discussion of the adequacy of the current health care system. Focus on the unique issues in Alaska and discuss Alaskan’s needs on the individual and state levels.

2 documents