Commonwealth North is Alaska's premier non-partisan public policy forum.
Join us to learn more about critical policy issues facing Alaska.
In March, 2019 the CWN Board of Directors approved a study scope to examine food security in Alaska and to identify policy recommendations that would strengthen Alaska’s ability to produce economically sustainable locally sourced food.
Alaska has a small population spread across a vast geography. In-state food production is limited and highly seasonal. More than 95 percent of the state’s food supply comes from Outside and depends on a complex supply chain. The state is susceptible to natural disasters, meteorological events, and man-made disasters that have disrupted that supply chain. How then can the State of Alaska ensure food security? What measures of food security can we use to assess our capacity and resilience?
Join the Food Security Study Group as we explore Alaska’s capacity for food production, food supply chain, and capacity to respond to emergency feeding contingencies.
Charge Statement: Charge for study of Food Security in Alaska Approved March 27, 2019
Date | Topic | Presenter(s) | Documents |
August 6, 2020 | Child Nutrition Programs | Jo Dawson, Alaska Department of Education and Early Development | Session Recording Slide Deck |
July 23, 2020 | Mariculture, Aquaculture, and the Seafood Supply Chain | Julie Decker, Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation Tommy Sheridan, Prince William Sound Aquaculture Association | Session Recording Slide Deck - Sheridan Slide Deck - Decker |
July 16, 2020 | Indigenous Food Sovereignty, Subsistence, and Personal Use Harvest | Carolina Behe, Inuit Circumpolar Conference Jim Hall, Alaska Department of Fish and Game | Session Recording Slide Deck - Behe Slide Deck - Fall Alaskan Inuit Food Security Conceptual Framework ICC Food Sovereignty and Food Security ADF&G Food Security White Paper ADF&G Subsistence Update Wild Harvest Notebook |
June 25, 2020 | Session Recap and Outlook | Brian Murkowski | Slide Deck Session Recording |
June 18, 2020 | Mass Feeding: Capacity and Infrastructure | Multiple | Session Recording |
June 11, 2020 | Port of Alaska | Steve Ribuffo | Slide Deck Session Recording |
September 9, 2019 | Personal Use of Alaska's Wildlife | Tom Harris | |
September 4, 2019 | Personal Use of Alaska's Wildlife | Rick Green, ADF&G | |
August 28, 2019 | Personal Use of Alaska's Wildlife | Charles Parker, Alaska Village Initiatives | |
August 9, 2019 | Food Supply Chain Agriculture Risk Management | David Weisz, Three Bears Alaska Nicole Gueck, Agrilogic | Session Recording |
July 24, 2019 | Health Impact Assessments | Sarah Yoder, ADHSS | Session Recording |
July 10, 2019 | Health Impact Assessments | Ed Fogels, Jade North | Session Recording |
June 26, 2019 | Alaska Farm Bureau | Amy Seitz | Session Recording Slide Deck |
June 12, 2019 | Alaska Farmland Trust | Amy Knapp Pettit | Session Recording Slide Deck |
June 7, 2019 | Anti-Hunger Policy and Advocacy in Alaska | Eve Van Dommelen | Session Recording Slide Deck |
May 22, 2019 | Alaska Food Policy Council | Rachael Miller | Slide Deck |
May 15, 2019 | Congressional Action on Local Agriculture | Karen McCarthy, Senator Murkowski's Office | Session Recording |
May 8, 2019 | Division of Agriculture | David Schade | Session Recording Slide Deck |
May 1, 2019 | Food Security Briefing | Ed Fogels | Session Recording Document |
April 17, 2019 | Study Group Work Session | Co-Chairs | Session Recording Mitigating a Crisis: Critical Public Policies for Alaska's Food Security |
How to assess the Arctic from an Inuit perspective.