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Food Security Study Group
Household Food Security in Alaska
Thursday, September 17th
The PowerPoint presentation can be downloaded here.
Speaker: Alisha Coleman-Jensen, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Food Assistance Branch.
Alisha Coleman-Jensen is the team leader of U.S. food security research at ERS and is the lead author of USDA’s annual report Household Food Security in the United States. Her research focuses on the measurement and determinants of food insecurity.
Coleman-Jensen will address the Food Security Study Group to present the findings for Alaska from the most recent iteration of the Household Food Security in the United States report.
Alisha holds a Ph.D. in Rural Sociology and Demography from The Pennsylvania State University, an M.S. in Rural Sociology from The Pennsylvania State University, and a B.S. in Human Development from Cornell University.
Her research and recent publications include work on disability as a risk factor for food insecurity, food insecurity among Hispanic adults, measuring food insecurity in households with children, cost-related medication underuse among adults in food-insecure households, and examining the relationships among food security, food prices, inflation, and unemployment. The program is free of charge, but please register to obtain your login details.
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