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Energy Action Coalition
Global Oil Market Update
Larry Persily
Oil and Gas Columnist
Friday, April 3
Online via Zoom or Phone
Registration Required
Download the PowerPoint here.
Larry Persily will join us to discuss the changing global oil markets and what they could mean for Alaska. Larry is a longtime Alaska journalist, who has served in state, local and federal government positions related to oil and gas and taxes. He is currently an oil and gas columnist for the Alaska Journal of Commerce and serves as the Atwood chair of journalism at UAA.
The program is free but we are limited to 100 people so registration is required. You will receive a link and password after you register. You will also receive a phone number for the option to connect with audio only.
How to Zoom You can join us from any computer, smart phone, or tablet by clicking the link below. If you plan to connect by tablet or smartphone, I recommend visiting prior to Friday’s program to download the app. You can watch this tutorial for more information. Please log in at11:55am.