Commonwealth North is Alaska's premier non-partisan public policy forum.
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Paying for Future State Services
What Alaskans Have to Say
Friday, May 8th
Pat Pitney's Presentation Cheryl Frasca's Presentation
On Friday, Commonwealth North will be embarking on a new project for the Fiscal Policy Study Group. We are looking for volunteers to help us organize State revenue information that will be part of an interactive web-based tool that will assist Alaskans in better understanding the State’s fiscal challenge. If you are interested in being part of this project, please register online and join us Friday!
Pat Pitney, Director of the Legislative Finance Division, will provide an update on state revenues which will serve as a context for the study group’s next project.
About the Project
The state will be facing a dramatic shortfall in revenue available to pay for state services in FY 22. This is because one-time savings, which have propped up spending in recent years, will be depleted. The estimated shortfall is over $1 billion for a flat budget with no increases to cover the cost of inflation. The choices and trade-offs that will be required to close this gap are expected to impact every Alaskan. To help advance understanding of the challenge, a website will be created that includes an introductory video that explains current state revenue and the seriousness of the state’s fiscal condition; and levels of background information about current and potential revenue sources. Finally, it will also include a “worksheet” from which Alaskans will select options and learn what it will take to fill the revenue shortfall. The choices made by Alaskans on the worksheets will be reported back to CWN and compiled for a report to elected officials. At the May 8 Study Group meeting, we will talk about the project and create small work groups to start the data collection. Sign up and be part of engaging Alaskans in the choices that lie ahead! The event is free of charge but limited to 100 people. Registration is required. You will receive your password by email after you register.
How to Zoom You can join us from any computer, smart phone, or tablet by clicking the link emailed to you after registration. If you plan to connect by tablet or smartphone, I recommend visiting prior to Friday’s program to download the app. You can watch this tutorial for more information. Please log in at 7:55am.