What's New

February 6, 2020

February 28th: Energy Action Coalition

Energy Action Coalition

Creating the Railbelt Reliability Council

Julie Estey
Director of External Affairs
Matanuska Electric Association

Friday, February 28th

BP Energy Center

1014 Energy Ct.
(Google map)

The PowerPoint can be downloaded here.

Julie Estey, director of external affairs for Matanuska Electric Association, will give us a briefing on the establishment of the Railbelt Reliability Council, the legislation being considered, and the potential impact on the delivery and cost of electricity to Alaskans.

Last year, six railbelt utilities signed a Memorandum of Understanding to create a Railbelt Reliability Council to enforce common reliability standards, coordinate joint planning, and explore ways to reduce costs. This agreement follows a 2015 letter from the Regulatory Commission of Alaska to the Legislature recommending a number of reforms to the Railbelt electrical system. This year, the Legislature is considering SB 123 and HB 151 which contain statutory changes related to the creation of a Railbelt Reliability Council and oversight authority by the RCA.